Home Owner Loans

  • Loans exclusive for homeowners - with and without a mortgage 
  • We compare 100s of products from £10,000 - £250,000
  • We search our comprehensive panel of leading lenders
  • All applications manually underwritten
  • Check your eligibility without affecting your credit score
  • Products for ALL credit profiles
  • Employed, self-employed, benefits only and retired incomes
  • No upfront fees or hidden charges

Our qualified advisors will manually underwrite your application, negotiate with the lender, and tailor the finance to suit your individual circumstances. Optimise finance has a large panel of lenders that allows us to find the right lender and product to suit your needs. If you have excellent credit rating or have experienced some adverse credit, we have lenders on our panel to help. We have loan terms from 3 to 30 years to meet your budget.

If you are looking for finance to reduce your outgoings using a debt consolidation loan; a home improvement loan to update or extend your property; pay for university or school fees, in fact for any purpose.

Because the finance is secured on your property, we may be able to offer better interest rates and more longer repayment terms than a unsecured personal loan. The amount you can borrow and the rate that you are quoted will depend on your circumstances. The lender will look at your income, equity and status when providing a quotation.
