If you are missing payments on your debts then this will have an adverse effect on your credit profile. Having a bad credit rating can cause problems now and in the future by reducing your borrowing options or making borrowing much more expensive. The debt consolidation loan team at My Sort Of Loan have enabled UK customers in a wide range of bad credit scenarios to take out affordable consolidation loans. This includes those who have incurred poor credit through county court judgements, defaults or mortgage arrears in their credit history.
Our loan team are UK based and ready to discuss your individual circumstances. They will help you with any questions you have about how our lenders products could help you get back on top of your debts, obtain the money you are seeking and improve your credit rating. Make a fresh start by calling freephone on 0800 0159 108 or dial 0330 0536001 (mobile friendly),alternatively complete our short no obligation enquiry form.
If you can answer `yes` to one or more of the following questions then you may be heading for financial trouble and could find your debts becoming a problem.
Do you pay only the monthly minimum repayments on your credit cards?
Do you argue with your partner, spouse or family about money related issues?
Is there `too much to pay out each month and too little money coming in`?
Do you create excuses to justify not paying your bills on time?
Have you missed payments on your debts or had arrears letters or charges from your creditors ?
Have you consolidated debts by moving debts from from one current account or credit card to a new one?
Do you find it impossible to save money or very quickly use all your hard earned income to pay your monthly bills?
Do you panic when faced with an unexpected expense such as a car or home repair?
Have you put those unexpected expenses on your credit card or used a pay day loan whilst not being sure how you will clear them?
Have you written cheques hoping that they don’t clear before your next salary is deposited into your account?
Have you borrowed from friends or relatives to cover basic expenses? (sometimes known as the `borrowing from Peter to pay Paul` syndrome).
Do you have difficulty covering your fixed expenses such as mortgage or rent, car payments, utilities and insurance?
Have you exceeded your credit limit on an overdraft or credit card in the past 6 months?
Have you paid late fees and/or over-the-limit fees in the past year?
My Sort Of Loan is an established UK loan intermediary business arranging debt consolidation, credit repair and multi-purpose loans for clients with good or bad credit. On this site you can find the products and tools you need to control your debt and start you on the road to financial recovery.
Because having bad credit can affect a person's ability to get a low rate affordable loan, get a competitive mortgage / remortgage, qualify for certain jobs, or even drive up the cost of some car insurance, repairing a damaged credit record may be a financially sound task to undertake.
Repairing your credit isn't always easy. It takes time, patience, knowledge and some help. My Sort Of Loan can help you restructure your debts allowing you to get on top of your finance`s whilst helping to improve your credit rating for now and your future.
Consolidate your debt into an affordable monthly payment.
Trained UK loan team who understand your credit problems.
No more harassing phone calls or pressure mail from your creditors.
Lower your monthly payments – bear in mind you will probably pay more interest over the loan term.
Bad credit or poor credit? Even from county court judgements, mortgage arrears or defaults. We could still help you.
Committed, experienced, professional, confidential and personal service.
Likely to reduce your stress levels and hopefully give you some peace of mind.
My Sort Of Loan combines some of the very best debt consolidation loans available with knowledgeable and experienced staff to provide you with the best loan available for your circumstances from our extensive panel of lenders.
We strive to give you every available convenience while getting your finances back on track. With us, your security and peace of mind come first. For a no obligation free quote please enquire via our short no enquiry form or call us directly on 0800 0159 295.